UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS: The bridges between science and spirituality (COSMIC SPIRIT Book 7) (English Edition)

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  • Nombre de page : pages
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  • ISBN : B0848MZT9M
  • Source : Amazon

Extraits & Citations (2)

Presents a revolutionary new paradigm of Cosmic Thought that bridges the divide between science and spirituality. Discloses the ramifications of non-localized consciousness and how the physical world and spiritual experience are two aspects of the same Cosmos. What scientists are now finding at the outermost frontiers of every field is overturning all the basic premises concerning the nature of matter and reality. The central teaching of mysticism is that Everything is One, whereas from the side of rationalism the universe is Multiple. The essence of the mystical tradition is not a particular...
Listen, if stars are still lit it means there is someone who needs them. It means someone wants to love, Why then do we feel so much pain and heaviness of heart? are we waiting for something, regretting anything? To whom I can strech out my hand in the somber desert? Who will accompany me on the empty night? Who will give me a fiery day? Who will bring back the sea that left? No hope here. Torment is certain. Without sacredness in the emptiness of this world of ours, the heart of man fades like a flower.   Suddenly, the shuddering of the heavens penetrating my soul, Oh never let the...

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